Cities in Crisis: Funding For Sustainable Cities Can't Wait

Sustainable Cities: The Alarming Truth About Revealed By This Expert Economist's Research

Leading economist Dr. Lynn Karoly has demonstrated how funding schools, early education and social programs generates prosperity over time by enhancing productivity and wellbeing.

This same logic applies to building equitable and sustainable cities. While upfront investment is required, the long-term dividends are substantial.

Dr. Karoly's work indicates that strategic investments in livability solutions like transportation, affordable housing and parks will pay off. Cities realizing returns from sustainability will thrive.

But her research also reveals an alarming trend - too many cities are failing to make these vital investments today. The implications could be bleak.

Cities that neglect green infrastructure and resilient community development now face consequences like:

  • Surging infrastructure costs long-term
  • Property values and tax revenues declining
  • Businesses and talent relocating elsewhere
  • Rising healthcare burdens and civic disengagement
  • Lost productivity and economic mobility

In other words, cities too slow to act on sustainability may soon find themselves unable to compete at all.

There is an urgent need for cities to heed Dr. Karoly's findings and double down on crafting livable communities. The sustainable cities that will prosper tomorrow are those investing in people and planet today.

Financing For the Future

So how can cities fund this vital work? Tools like green bonds help finance sustainable infrastructure aligned to community priorities.

As municipal finance leaders, Susterra partners with cities to invest in transformative sustainability projects. We provide unprecedented tools to accelerate progress.

Dr. Karoly's findings reinforce why this matters – not just for planet but for long-term urban prosperity. Cities that invest in livability today will thrive tomorrow.

Today, Susterra can help build flourishing, sustainable communities for the future.