What is an AI smart city?

What is an AI Smart City?

Envisioning the AI-Enabled Smart City of the Future

Cities today have an opportunity to harness emerging technologies like artificial intelligence to become smarter, more connected, and responsive to residents' needs.

But what exactly constitutes an "AI smart city"?

At Susterra, we see the potential for AI and other leading-edge technologies to transform urban life for the better. However, thoughtfully designed implementation focused on improving society will be key.

So... What is an AI Smart City?

An AI smart city utilizes artificial intelligence across its infrastructure, services, and governance to optimize efficiency, sustainability, connectivity, and quality of life for all residents.

Key examples of AI adoption include:

  • Intelligent transportation systems like autonomous vehicles and traffic pattern optimization
  • Digital twin modeling that virtualizes the city to test interventions
  • Chatbots and digital kiosks providing government services
  • Computer vision for responsive surveillance and public safety
  • Infrastructure optimization from energy to waste management
  • Hyperlocal supply and demand forecasting for resource allocation

Guiding an AI Smart City With Values

While emerging technologies enable amazing possibilities, values must guide their application. Susterra believes focusing AI to serve human needs is vital.

Some key ethical principles for an AI smart city are:

  • Prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity
  • Enabling localized decision making
  • Protecting privacy rights
  • Maintaining human oversight and accountability
  • Fostering open participation of residents

The leaders building tomorrow's cities have a responsibility to ensure AI elevates society holistically – not further divides.

Building a Truly Smart Future, Together

The urban centers of the future will harness technologies like AI to improve how we interact with our environment and each other. With ethical implementation, data-enabled cities can become more livable, sustainable, and responsive.

At Susterra, we are eager to collaboratively envision and create smart cities focused on the public good. Let us know how we can help your city realize the possibilities of emerging technology balanced with purpose.